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Bike to Work Week

28.05.14 06:49 PM By David Butt

Since I decided to start walking or biking to work early this month, it seemed to make sense to participate in Bike to Work Week. My ride is only a short distance, but the real goal was to get out of my vehicle more, not only for trips to work, but also other destinations around town. So far this week i've done 5 trips to and from work, and one evening trip. One of the reasons for riding rather than walking was to allow me to come home for lunch. This has worked very well, especially today, as this morning, the water looked fine, but by lunchtime, the storm clouds were rolling in. Since I needed to use my vehicle for a work trip today, I switched modes at lunch time, and still had one round trip on bike.

Still challenged by the last bit of the hill to work, but finding I climb a bit further each day.

EDIT: (June 1) Finished Bike to Work Week with 6 trips to work, plus 3 additional errands. As expected, I'm finding each day the ride sets a bit easier - the greatest challenge is to continue to find trips to bike rather than use the car.

Also, made it to the top of the hill to work on Friday! Now have a personal milestone. 

EDIT (June 13) Have continued to make about 6 trips between home and work each week. Thanks to those who supported Hope Air with Bike to Work Week Kootenays.