My little place on the web

Creston Downtown Wi-Fi

02.06.15 06:23 PM By David Butt
Wi-Fi sign

Creston's downtown core is now serviced by free Wi-Fi!

The business community, and Shaw Internet have partnered to offer guest access to the Shaw Go network on Creston's Canyon Street. In addition to the businesses already offering wireless connectivity, the availability to connect has been extended to the main shopping district between 15th Avenue and 10th Avenue, with an extension up 10th Avenue North, and to the Community Complex on 20th Avenue North.

This network allows a single login, and access at any point within the Shaw Go network, so Wi-Fi connectivity continues with you as you move about the downtown. While useful to residents, this is a real boon to tourists and visitors to our area, as they can easily search, plan or learn more about the Creston Valley and surrounding areas.

This is a great addition to our downtown, providing access beyond that offered by a number of merchants in the past. I'm looking forward to seeing it grow further!

Shaw Go map