My little place on the web

Masonic Reading

23.05.14 07:42 PM By David Butt

I was recently provided a link to an on-line library of Classic Masonic literature. Halifax Lodge No. 81 of Daytona Beach, Florida has collected a sizeable number of older texts on the topic of Craft Masonry. there are some great titles in this collection:

The 47th Problem                                                    

The Ancient Square 

The Twelve Original Points of Freemasonry               

The Beginning of Freemasonry 

The Doorway to Freemasonry                                     

Masonic Myths 

The Great Secret of Freemasonry 

The Great Light of Masonry 

and more than 50 others. You can check it out at their site: Old Masonic Books on PDF 

Halifax Lodge has an interesting history, dating from 1876 - the year the settlement of Daytona, later Daytona Beach, was incorporated. You can read more on their website.