My little place on the web

Tools for the Junior Warden

26.01.15 07:18 PM By David Butt

The Festive Board after a Lodge meeting can be a nerve-wracking time for the Junior Warden. Having experienced being on both sides of the gavel, I have found the linked files to be useful for me in organizing the event, and staying on track. The list ensures I miss nothing (usually), provides text when words fail me (often) and gives space to put down important names (all of them!).  Feel free to modify them. These were given to me by our current Worshipful Master, with the simple comment that as he found them useful, he thought I might as well.

So far, I've received many positive comments on the organization of our Festive Board, and without a doubt, these sheets have been a major part of that. Thanks, Derick!

The three events I have sheets for are General Meeting, Robbie Burns night, and Ladies night.

Let me know in the comments if you find them useful.