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Blog tagged as Public Art

Public Art and Health

02.08.17 09:48 AM By David Butt - Comment(s)
Public Art and Health

At a recent Rotary Club meeting, we were introduced to the Creston Valley Public Art Connection, a group of local residents bringing sculpture to public spaces in Creston. During their tax;k with our membership, they spoke about the value of Public Art. I'm going to shamelessly plagiarize a section ...

Creston Valley Public Art Connection

23.07.17 06:28 AM By David Butt - Comment(s)
Creston Valley Public Art Connection

The Creston Valley Public Art Connection Society (CVPACS) is a not-for-profit society registered under the Society Act of BC. The Society was formed in 2015, in collaboration with Castlegar Sculpture Walk, to promote and display public art from local and regional artists within the community and reg...