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David's Bike / Walk to Work Week

15.05.14 06:56 AM By David Butt - Comment(s)

Bike to Work Week is a challenge to folks to ride a bike to work rather than drive. This year it is hosted May 26 - 1. After seeing the number of bikes in use in Europe I was further motivated to make a greater personal effort.

When we first moved to our home in 2003, my office was a short walk, and...

Business cards: passé?

05.05.14 07:27 AM By David Butt - Comment(s)

Has the traditional business card reached its End of Life? In a world of speedy communications, where just about everyone has a smartphone, is the 2 by 3¼ inch piece of card useful any more? I know I hand out ever fewer of these once common tools, and at a recent meeting, of the dozen present, one h...
